annie-spratt-170004In just a few short weeks, Christmas, and then the end of the year, will be here. The holidays are about more than decorating with brightly coloured lights, however, or buying presents to place under the tree.

The main focus of this season is truly about loving one another, and giving to others. It’s a time when nearly everyone feels more motivation to help one another. That’s probably why many nonprofits receive a bulk of their donations during the holidays, just before the New Year begins.

Have you taken steps to ensure that your nonprofit can benefit from the added generosity and kindness that Christmastime inspires in so many of us?

Does Your NFP Have a Christmas Giving Campaign?

In order to capitalise on donors’ increased willingness to give to others during Christmas, your nonprofit needs to create a holiday-themed fundraising campaign. In your messaging, talk about how a donation made during the holidays can create a significant impact throughout the year.

Focus on how happy donors will feel when they give to others. Holiday contributions are a way for donors to be connected to something that’s less commercial, and more positive, during the season.

It’s also an easy way for supporters to close out the year on a high note, and, help them to get the New Year started off right. Remind donors that contributions made before year’s end offer plenty of tax advantages as well.

Don’t forget to Segment Your Audience, and Target Holiday Messaging

When creating your holiday drive, don’t forget to divide your audience, using demographics. Tailor your messaging and fundraising approach to fit their needs and preferred method of contact.

For example, millennials use mobile platforms, frequently text, and are active on social media. Also, they typically watch more campaign videos than members of other demographics. Your campaign messaging and the way that you reach out to these donors should be different than the way you reach out to a Gen-Xer, who might prefer to support your organisation through volunteering. Donors who are classified in this demographic are also more likely to customise a fundraising campaign to share on their social media, rather than sharing a generic appeal for donations.

A baby boomer, in contrast, is equally likely to respond to a phone call as well as an appeal made by email, and might prefer to make a smaller, but recurring, monthly gift. Older, and wealthy seniors typically respond better to personal letters and direct mail requests, and are more likely to write cheques or pay for their contributions with a major credit card.

Make sure that all of your holiday messaging reflects these differences in preferences, and, that you make gift giving to your cause a simple and fast process, regardless of the way that the donor prefers to give to your organisation.

Show Your Appreciation and Send Goodwill to All

In your holiday fundraising appeals, don’t forget to show gratitude for all of the things that your donors and other supporters have done throughout the year to help your cause. Regardless of the size of the gift, or, even whether a potential donor chooses to give your organisation the gift of a contribution at all, always wish your donors and other supporters a very merry Christmas and send best wishes for a happy New Year!