Need funding for your creative project? Pozible is a”crowd funding” site to make it possible.

What is “crowd funding”? It is the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together, usually via the Internet, in order to support efforts initiated by other people or organisations (Wikipedia).

How does it work? – Pozible provides project creators with a platform to present their ideas to a worldwide audience. If anyone likes the idea, they can support it by pledging money to the creator’s project. In return for support, the project creators will offer rewards depending on the level of funding; essentially differentiating itself from the normal funding process.

We recently pledged towards a project about Ali an Afghani man seeking refuge in Australia but has ended up in the Woomera Detention Centre.

If you have a creative project or idea for your community organisation. It would be well worth checking out Pozible.