Every so often we come across a great product designed specifically for community groups. Admin Bandit is one such product. We gave the makers of Admin Bandit the chance to pitch their case:

After years of struggling through one of the hardest jobs in volunteer organisations, treasurers — the unsung heroes of the committee — finally have a long-awaited helping hand.

Admin Bandit is a straight-forward and affordable software package that guides you through every task involved in reporting to your committee. It’s fast and easy to use, even if you’ve never done accounts before.

Busy volunteer treasurers & committees of grass roots organisations need a financial management tool that:-

  • Keeps everything organised with minimal fuss and mess;
  • Allows them to do their quarterly Business Activity Statement with ease;
  • Is accessible from anywhere on a secure, backed-up server;
  • Saves money on the audit;
  • Makes reconciling to the bank statement a breeze;
  • Keeps membership and financial information in one place;
  • Gives a summary of the success of fund raising and other events;
  • Ensures the end of financial year reporting process is smooth;
  • Arranges information so it is quick to locate in a hurry;
  • Provides transparency and accountability;
  • At the press of a button, provides a collated, professional Treasurer’s Report, summarising everything the committee needs to know without needing an accounting background.

Multi-award winning Admin Bandit software addresses all these issues and simplifies the treasurer role. The software is the perfect financial management solution for any community and not-for-profit organisation, including schools, clubs, sports teams, small business networks, and religious, social or cultural groups.

To minimise compliance risk, Admin Bandit also has a facility for parent bodies to keep the finger on the financial management pulse of their affiliated groups at the press of a button. That way, issues can be addressed early, before they get out of hand.

Starting at $88/year, with a 55 day free trial and outstanding personal support, get started today.

Admin Bandit – software, training and resources for volunteer treasurers. http://www.adminbandit.com.au