websiteHow long is it since you took a good, long look at your not for profit’s website?  If you are finding things a little quiet or the number of visitors dropping, it’s possible your site is putting people off.

Things change really quickly in the online world and while your site might be perfectly fine one day, the next might be a different matter.  Here are a few things to look at.

1.  Are your contact details still current?  

If your committee has changed or you have a new CEO be sure to update the details on your website.

2.  Check your links.

Are all your link still valid?  Broken links are not only annoying to people who click on them, they scream of neglect.  If you don’t care about your site, why should anyone else?  Make sure all your links take people to the place they promise to.

3. Look modern.

I hate it when I land on sites that are clunky and old fashioned looking.  I wonder if the site is actually still functioning.  Your site needs to be updated regularly so that it looks modern and fresh.  Make sure it is responsive, too.

4. Speed it up.

Waiting…waiting….   Still loading…..

No one wants to wait these days, especially for your site to appear on screen.  If yours is slow, chat to your web developer about streamlining it for speed.

5.  Make it social.

Don’t forget to add links to your social media profiles.  Sometimes people prefer the immediacy of a Facebook page, for example, than the website.  Meet their needs so that they can meet yours.

It is worth reviewing your entire site each year, and checking your links each couple of months.  A little spring cleaning pays off.