board meetingsSometimes board meetings can become a bit stale and stuck following procedures to the detriment of the board members and ultimately the organisation. In addition, constantly reviewing budgets, strategic plans, compliance with policies, procedures and reviewing long reports can make meetings drag on.

While all of these are important and are key functions, most board members are volunteers that are giving up their spare time, usually at the end of the day.  As such, with a few simple but effective changes you can add a bit of spice to the meetings.

The benefit of doing this is that it can break up the routine of the board meeting that not only can reinvigorate the board members but the organisation can benefit as well.

In an earlier post we spoke about the possibilities of moving your board meeting out of the board room. In this case, we are looking at ways to spice things up without having to leave the board room.

Some simple ideas include providing a meal at the board meeting which can occur before or after the meeting.  While sandwiches and biscuits are often provided consider getting a hot meal brought in.  If that is difficult to do then consider having the meeting at a café or hotel that may have meeting rooms available.

Consider having a staff member do a presentation to the board in relation the services that they provide or a recent event.  This can be a different way to present information instead of a long written report plus it provides an opportunity for the board members to meet some of the staff.

Occasionally arrange for a guest to attend the meeting such as your Federal or State politician, councillor or local business operator who may be able to discuss upcoming planning issues, grants programs or, with the local business operato,r possible sponsorship arrangements.  If you run a sporting club then consider getting a sporting identity to attend your meeting.

These are just some simple ideas and depending on your organisation there may be other ways you can reinvigorate your meetings.  The key point is to try a few different things that may add a bit of spice and interest to the board meetings and results in more active engagement by your board members.