National Volunteer WeekThis week is the 25th anniversary of National Volunteer Week (12 – 18 May), a time each year when not for profits that rely on volunteers. collectively take the time to celebrate and thank them.

We can’t get by without our volunteers.  There are very few small community organisations and not for profits who can afford to pay people to work for them.  We need the assistance of the generous people who donate their time – and often much more – to supporting the clubs and causes they believe in.

This week the focus shifts from the cause to the supporter and one of the things I love most is finding out more about the people who volunteer.  People like Sal Sacco, a retired engineer who is using his skills to aid people with disabilities.  Or Tommy Carter, who keeps people entertained by volunteering his time and talent at a community radio station.

Volunteers are largely nameless and faceless as they work behind the scenes for the benefit of their chosen cause.  Personally I think that is a pity because they motivate me to volunteer just as powerfully as any story from the people your charity is helping.  Volunteers are a uniquely generous group of people and deserve to be known and noticed for what they do.

National Volunteer Week is the formally recognised time of year where we pay our respects to all volunteers.  As usual, Volunteering Australia has made it easy for us to show our appreciation through their beautifully designed posters, invitations and certificates of appreciation.

I would like to see our volunteers being celebrated more often but in all truth, they are probably too busy to stop their good work!