volunteersHow can you get the best value from your volunteers?  How can you create the conditions which will best allow them to serve you in the way they want?

Some organisations often encourage volunteers to participate and help out, especially at events, but once they arrive they are not properly supported.  This can be a costly mistake as the mere fact a volunteer is offering to assist highlights their enthusiasm to support the organisation.

Furthermore, volunteers are often allocated routine or boring tasks as a result of the person responsible for supervising them not having enough time to prepare for their arrival.  This can then result in the volunteer not being properly supported, they lose their enthusiasm and stop volunteering. Just because they are a volunteer it does not mean that their time and work is not valuable.  Don’t bore them silly with mundane tasks!

Even if you are prepared, don’t expect the volunteer to instantly know what to do.  As with any new employee in the organisation they need to be supported as they settle into their role.  Also, even though they are not paid, the fact that they are volunteering can highlight their commitment to the organisation and they can often provide more value to the organisation than unmotivated and poor performing employees.

Remember that the value of the volunteer is not only what they provide to the organisation but also what the organisation provides to the volunteer.

As a not for profit, sporting club, charity, kindergarten or community based organisation, a successful and well managed volunteer program can benefit everyone who participates.

The next post discusses some ways to get value from your volunteers.