It’s Tax Time! Well, almost. Perhaps it’s more correct to say that it’s the time when you start thinking about the end of the financial year.
As you’re thinking about winding up for the end of the financial year, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the past year, and set yourself some new financial year goals. Really focus on the profit and loss side of your organisation, and explore what has worked, what hasn’t, and where you could really make a difference.
Social media, for example, has been a significant component of the awareness and fundraising strategies of many NFPs. Although there is a lot of effort being put into campaigns on various social media platforms, as a general rule, there is very little return on investment.
Part of this, despite the ease of sharing information and encouraging discussion, is the difficulty in followers being able to donate directly. If you want people to donate, you need to make it easy for them. If they can’t donate in two clicks or less, you might as well right them off.
The idea of directly asking them to donate has already been covered, so why are you asking them to donate, then making it hard for them? They don’t want or need to read more about your organisation, clients stories, or how their donation will make a difference.
Share the direct link to the donation page, and in one click, you’ll increase your donations.
Once they have donated, invite them to be regular supporters of your cause. It is possible to set up either once-off giving and regular contributions on the same donation page. You might also like to run campaigns or send a thank you note, with a request they become a regular contributor.
The above rule applies; you must make it quick and easy for them to do so.
Where social media is helpful for you, yet again, many NFPs fail to use it correctly, is to thank and acknowledge their donors and supporters. Use the platforms not only to raise awareness and ask for donations, but also to say thanks to those who have supported you.
Your supporters also like to be kept informed about where their donations are going, and what their support is doing. Social media sites are the perfect way to get this information out quickly and easily, and ensure your community are aware of the good their contributions are doing.
That’s just one example of an opportunity for you to explore as you’re winding up for tax time and the end of financial year. Closely review the time, effort, energy and funds spent on various activities, and work out if their ROI has been worth all that time and energy.
Don’t necessarily discard these ideas as being wastes. Instead, review them too, and see where you can make them work for the benefit of your organisation. Make it part of your end of financial year review, and make the changes your goals for the new financial year.
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