balance sheetWhy doesn’t Admin Bandit include a balance sheet as part of the system?

This is a question that we are sometimes asked, usually by the more experienced volunteer treasurers as they first look through our system.

We believe that the balance sheet can cause more confusion than it clears, particularly if you are working with a board or committee which is unskilled in financial reporting.

The treasurer’s role is to present information in a format that facilitates the committee understanding the finances, so they can make good decisions on behalf of the organisation. In many cases, a balance sheet doesn’t help in that context.

Our experience over many years dealing with grass roots community organisations is that the average person on a committee cannot decipher a balance sheet (often the treasurer included). We provide what is going to be useful to the treasurer and the committees of grass roots community organisations.

Admin Bandit is a cashbook which means there is not much to include on a balance sheet.

Having said that we are working on breaking new ground and providing a balance sheet template with the few fields completed where possible and fields provided for the treasurer to complete in order to produce a balance sheet.

The Admin Bandit system is designed to make the life of a Volunteer Treasurer less stressful.

The Treasurer’s Report is the cornerstone, setting out the information you need to present to your committee in a clear and concise way. It is even branded for your organisation if you’ve uploaded a logo.

At the press of a button you report on the money in the bank, receipts and expenditure, equipment you’ve purchased, success of events, petty cash, invoices sent out remaining unpaid, member numbers and fees paid, payments to be ratified by the committee.

You can also produce a range of other reports to suit your needs including detailed Event and Equipment reports, End of Year Reports for the auditor, Member Details reports and Member Fee Reports to keep an eye on who has paid what. All designed to make running your club or organisation easier.

With all of that convenience at your fingertips why bother with a cumbersome and confusing balance sheet?