For any committee of management to have good governance it is important that there is the right mix of skills, knowledge and experience.   Without the right mix of people the organisation may not operate correctly, might miss out on opportunities and in the extreme cease to exist.   For example, Robin Hood’s team would have fallen apart without good fighting men like Little John. With the right mix the organisation should be able to achieve the objectives more efficiently, gain more support and ensure the ongoing viability of the organisation.  The benefits of this can be an improved profile and reputation that may result in an increase in membership, donations, participation or attendance at events.  Furthermore, as a committee of management member you will have a greater sense of achievement as you are genuinely making a difference.

Some simple steps to help with identifying the right people for the committee of management:

  • Examine the values, purpose and the strategic objectives that the organisation is trying to achieve.
  • List the skills, knowledge and experience that the organisation requires and then the main characteristics for each one.
  • Review the current members on the committee of management and match the skills, knowledge and experience each one has against those required of the organisation.
  • Identify the gaps that exist.

Keep in mind that often the above may focus on a functional skills mix that may include people with finance, legal, marketing or human resources skills but you might consider other possible gaps that could be easily overlooked but just as important.  For example, there may be people with a different cultural background, within a certain age range, gender or even from a geographic location that might add value to the organisation.

To make this task to identify the gaps easier, a skills matrix can be prepared that simply lists each skill down one side and across the top list key characteristics for each skill.  Then for each member of the committee of management tick the skills, knowledge and experience that they have.

Also, link this list to the terms of appointment of the committee of management members.  For example, if you know a member whose term will end in the near future and they are not planning on seeking another term then you need to identify that potential gap that may need to be filled in the future.

Once this task is completed and you have identified the gaps, you should next establish if they are essential to have as against those that are nice to have on the committee of management.  Once this list has been prepared you can then prioritise the skills, knowledge and experience that is needed which should make it easier to recruit the new committee of management members.