adviceSetting up an NFP can be difficult and sometimes not all goes according to plan, despite your best efforts. However, there are things you can do to ensure your business has a fighting chance of success and most of it comes down to the setting up of the business in the early stages.

Patience is necessary for all phases of an NFP, but especially with nonprofits and the need to meet all the government regulations. You will have to create a business plan and perhaps even work with a nonprofit business coach to help you set goals and develop some form of an action plan. The most successful nonprofits have solid business models as the basis of their organisation. Aim to under promise and over deliver in the early stages, especially to your board, donors and staff. Setting your goals and meeting them as promised is your chance to show others that you can indeed achieve your aims.

You can never learn too much in the early stages. Workshops, courses, classes – all information is invaluable to an NFP. You will also need to jump in and get your hands dirty. Rather than lead from the front, lead from within. Show the team how you need things to be done. Never ask your team and supporters to do something if you are afraid to do it yourself. Reward, praise and motivate your workers, so they will continue to champion for your goals.

NFPs will not work effectively if you don’t have some way to earn or raise money – whether through financiers or a profitable business model. Grants are rarely given to non-profits in the first two years of business so you may need to consider financing options at the outset. Take it one step at a time. It might be necessary to stay in your day job in the early stages until you can make it work. If all does not go according to plan, at least you have something to fall back on until you refine your goals and start again.

If you are a perfectionist, then you may have to reduce some of your self-required goal posts. Perfection is often hard to reach when you are trying to get everything up and running. With solid performance metrics in place, good results are much easier to accomplish. You want a streamlined process that meets your needs and is most importantly, attainable by your organisation.

Good volunteers and staff will be helpful in the initial stages, especially those who have worked in the NFP industry before and can offer advice. Over and above everything else, your nonprofit needs to be effective and efficient. Without a clear mission statement, measurable goals, knowledgeable staff and a clear methodology to reach your goals, you are destined for failure.

As you are working towards your goals and ticking the tasks of your to-do list, don’t forget to smile and have some fun. While achieving your goals is extremely rewarding in its own right, you must also take some time to enjoy life and share that enjoyment with others.