micro-volunteeringMost individuals have a desire to help others but often find that there are too many barriers to formally volunteering for a particular charity or cause. Often, more traditional volunteer opportunities require a formal application and drawn out approval process as well as commitments of significant amounts of time from those that wish to volunteer. There may also be occasions when volunteers are asked to provide their own equipment, materials, and other resources to fulfill certain roles or meet specific needs for their NFP’s cause. Due to these and other barriers, many individuals are turning to micro-volunteering.

What is Micro-volunteering?

Micro-volunteering is simply a way for individuals to help others without having a formal connection or commitment of time to an NFP. Actions that qualify are wide ranging and can be anything from retweeting a NFP’s post about their cause, to people doing something on their own to help other individuals. 

Picking up trash along the road, helping a sick neighbor by trimming their lawn, or taking the elderly to buy groceries are all typical examples of how ordinary people can accomplish a lot of good through acts of micro-volunteering. Even something as simple as taking a survey or signing a petition requires little effort or time on the part of the volunteer, but can still have a significant impact.

Pros and Cons of Micro-Volunteering

Despite the ease of micro-volunteering and the good work that it accomplishes, traditional volunteer work via an NFP does have a few advantages. Volunteers that are affiliated with an NFP are more likely to report that they gain valuable skills from both their training and experiences. Traditional volunteers also report that they are more able to connect with others that share their interests and passions as well as develop friendships and other connections that increase their social network of support. Micro-volunteers are likely missing out on these benefits.

Steps to Take to Raise Awareness and Increase Support for Your NFP via All Volunteers

NFPs can increase the support for their cause, while increasing the work that they accomplish, by increasing opportunities within their organisation for both traditional and micro-volunteers. Increase your pool of traditional volunteers by actively working to reduce barriers that might prevent individuals from formally volunteering with your organisation.

Find ways to streamline the application process, and consider posting volunteer opportunities as well as your application online. Offering flexible schedules, reducing time commitments and offering reimbursement for training, materials and equipment can also make it easier for individuals to be able to volunteer. 

Actively make a “space” for micro-volunteers within your organisation. Use social media to let people know about ways that they can support your cause that don’t require a lot of time. In addition to posting traditional volunteer activities, look for ways to simplify the process so you can connect with others on an as needed basis. Make it easy for them to share information and other content from your NFP so that you increase your reach while encouraging activism and social involvement from your micro-volunteers.

By reaching out to volunteers you not only increase the good work that you do, but you are building a connection with individuals so that they are more likely to become formal volunteers with your NFP in the future.