NFP banking

The Third Sector has just released a new and free guide to NFP Banking.

The guide is designed to help not for profit organisations find the banking system which is right for them.

This 20 page resource explains:

  • What the key considerations are for selecting a bank
  • How to determine if a bank is right for you
  • How NFP bank accounts work
  • How relationship management with your bank should work
  • What types of specialty accounts and loans are available
  • How to prevent fraud

Some of the questions your NFP might need to ask when choosing a bank are:

  • Who owns the bank?
  • Does it support local interests?
  • How are their funds used?
  • Do the terms of service meet our needs?
  • Are the bank ethics a match for ours and for our cause?
  • Does the bank manager understand and support our cause?
  • Will we be able to build a long term relationship with this bank?

The guide is very informative, covering topics including banking, loans, relationship management and fraud prevention.

Supported by bankmecu and Community Sector Banking, the guide will help you be certain that your banking needs are being properly met.