
Are you struggling with your future funding?  According to a recent article in the Australian newspaper you’re not alone.

“About 40 per cent of not-for-profits are unable to plan for more than 12 months because their funding is so uncertain, according to consulting firm Grant Thornton’s latest survey of 416 NFPs in Australia and New Zealand. “

“Almost 80 per cent of the Australian respondents relied mainly on government grants or contracts for finance, followed by donations and investment income.”

How are you managing your funding?  When you can no longer rely on traditional sources of funding such as government grants, the fall-back position is usually donations.  But with the economy struggling, people are tending to hold on to their funds until they see a brighter future ahead.

The situation is not made any more comfortable with the newly elected government considering ending the new ACNC and moving its functions to the ATO. Not only do NFPs have to worry about income or lack of it, they need to pay close attention to possible changes in reporting legislation.

How do you plan when you can’t rely on funding and you don’t know what the government will require of you in the near future?

While working in the charity and not for profit industries has never been easy, are you finding the situation more difficult lately?

We’d love to hear from you especially if you have some advice you can share with the smaller or newer NFPs among us.  Please leave a comment to help out.