In previous blog posts this week we’ve discussed how to get the right mix of committee of management members, how to recruit them and the importance of the induction process. What this has also highlighted is the investment the organisation has made into finding new members for your committee of management. It can take a lot of time, energy and effort. Because of this effort you obviously want to retain these new members and the existing members as well.

So what can an organisation do to achieve this?

  • Ensure meetings are run professionally and on time, keep to the agenda, ensure meeting documents are prepared and sent in time to be read.
  • Committee of management members have been recruited due to the skills they offer so ensure they are utilised.
  • Develop a professional development program for the committee of management. This may involve formal training on governance, financial responsibilities, risk management or strategic planning.
  • Have key staff present to provide information on the programs and services being run by the organisation as this allows the committee of management members to become more knowledgeable about the organisation.
  • Provide clear guidelines in relation to reimbursements of costs incurred by committee of management members and ensure that if approved by the committee of management and within budget that they are reimbursed.
  • Make sure the workload is spread evenly and you don’t have the same people doing all the work or find they are on all subcommittees.
  • Ensure a committee of management evaluation process is undertaken at least yearly and that any recommendations or areas for improvement are addressed.
  • If a committee of management member does resign prior to the end of their term try to ascertain the reasons why and make changes as needed. You can be sure there will be a good reason behind their decision to leave.

According to legend Robin Hood would give three blows on his horn to summon the Merry Men when he needed them. He knew their value and relied on their loyalty. Because they were outside the law there were not a lot of options open to them so once they joined the group, they were mostly there for life. The members of your committee of management have many choices open to them. They can and will move on when they decide to do so, especially if they feel undervalued.

Committee of management members are volunteers that have given up their time to make a contribution to the organisation. Having a retention strategy in place is great way of showing respect for their contribution. Furthermore, committee of management members that are past the learning stage and know the organisation well are more likely to make better and informed decisions to the benefit of the organisation. It’s a win for everyone.