micro-globalism If we listen to Scott Linden Jones, micro-globalism is going to change the way the world does business.

What is micro-globalism?  It’s a whole different approach to the way businesses source labour or supplies.  Now that we operate globally, thanks to the arrival of modern technology, much of the work can be completed anywhere on the planet, rather than locally.

That means businesses can now source cheaper labour and suppliers and no longer rely on local workers to meet their needs.  The contract is awarded to the people who can supply quality at a decent price and on time.  Robin Hood could source his bows from the US now, instead of using locally made versions.

This impacts every organisation, including not for profits, and it will have an effect on your organisational structure and finances.

Connecting Up recently presented a webinar with Scott Linden Jones which showed how not for profits can benefit from micro-globalisation.  For volunteer treasurers it may involve changes in your accounting system such as dealing with foreign currency, currency exchange, shipping and transport costings and overseas tax legislation.

Listen to the free webinar which covers:

  • What micro-globalism is and why it matters to your organisation no matter what size
  • How early adopters are using it creatively to drive down costs and improve services
  • How Cloud Computing supports a globalised business model
  • How not-for-profits can expand their offering internationally, while at the same time LOWERING their overall Australian costs by at least 20%
  • What third party organisations can assist in the execution of these plans

We’d love to know what you think about micro-globalisation and how it might affect you.  Leave us a comment with your ideas.