It’s fairly well known that most Aussies are addicted to their smartphones, going into mild panic if they can’t find it and feeling lost and alone.
Whilst they do keep us connected to the rest of the world – literally – and updated instantly on everything going on, from natural disasters to the Kardashian’s latest mundane exploits or what your friends had for breakfast that morning, over half of those surveyed by Make-A-Wish said they couldn’t go without their phone for 24 hours.
A quarter of the respondents were incapable of being phone-less for half a day, yet almost 60% said they wished others would spend less time on their phones.
Aside from the need for constant attachment, there are health factors at risk from excessive phone use, not to mention a reduction in socialising and ability to communicate with others. Talk around the dinner table is impacted upon and the continuous connection to technology prevents you from enjoying the world and people around you.
As a result of their survey, Make-A-Wish Australia are launching a new campaign next year, entitled Switch Off.
You can raise money by asking family, friends and colleagues to sponsor you to switch off! OR, challenge a phone-addicted friend to switch off for a nominated period of time in March.
Participants can already register at to be involved in the campaign, to raise funds for Make-A-Wish as well as see how well they’ll cope with their phone switched off.
Although you may feel a little disconnected for a short time, you’ll be doing the world of good on a great number of levels.
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