The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) was recently formed to:

  • maintain, protect and enhance public trust and confidence in the sector through increased accountability and transparency
  • support and sustain a robust, vibrant, independent and innovative not-for-profit sector
  • promote the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations on the sector.

It is taking its role seriously and has a page to the website where people can lodge a complaint or express a concern about the practices of a charity.  Since its commencement in December 2012 the ACNC has received 119 complaints or referrals through its Advice line (13 ACNC).  72 have been referred to the Compliance and Strategic Intelligence group resulting in 37 investigations. 28% of these investigations were related to the risk category of fraud.

The ACNC cannot take action in complaints about fundraising as that is a matter for the state governments to address, however you can raise a concern if a registered charity is (or could be):

  • losing a significant amount of money or assets without a reason
  • being misgoverned or mismanaged in a way that puts it at serious risk

If you are a volunteer treasurer working to support a charity be aware that everything you do is likely to be scrutinised by the public and your supporters, particularly your handling of money and assets.  It’s possible that people will misinterpret what you do or how you do it.  The more transparent you can be the less people will question your actions.

Admin Bandit minimises the risk of things getting out of hand. It reduces the burden of volunteering. Peak organisations can also register for a “Parent” licence and run an Operations Report to provide a finger on the pulse of their affiliated groups using Admin Bandit. You will know at the press of a button for each organisation what transactions have been completed, when and for how much.   If ever there is a question raised the answers will be there for everyone to see.  The burden is no longer sitting squarely on the treasurer’s shoulders.

ACNC or not, protecting your finances and your public image is a vital part of securing your charity’s future. Talk to Admin Bandit about the ways we can help you.