Today I want to talk to you about something a little different.  I want to tell you a story.  Yes, it’s tongue-in-cheek, but nevertheless it’s true.  This is the legend of the volunteer treasurer.  I hope you enjoy it.


Legend has it that once upon a time there lived a person who was so dedicated to helping not for profit organisations that he deliberately chose to support their worthy cause through the management of their funds.

Legend has it that this person modelled himself after Robin Hood though he did not need anger or weapons to help him work his magic.  He did not need to be a president or a ruler.  He did not need the support or applause of the authorities as he went about his daily business.  Instead, he thrived on the wonder of the security he was able to bring to his not for profit organisation through the careful management of their funds.

The legend goes on to paint this man as a hero.  He had no special powers and no political affiliation to interfere with his work.  He was happy to work as part of a team even though he knew he would have to explain to the members much of what he was doing.  The work was not always easy but he was committed to success and the distribution of funds to the needy.  Yes, he was a hero.

People talk about Robin Hood as a “gentle hero/renegade, the loyal supporter of the true king, a good marksman with a bow, but also a “normal” human. He isn’t perfect, and he doesn’t always win his battles; but he does teach society something about itself.”  That describes our hero.  He wasn’t perfect but he had an impact on society that showed them how they should be living.

The legendary Volunteer Treasurer and Robin Hood have blazed the way for modern heroes, male and female, who follow in their footsteps, whether by choice or necessity.  They support the organisations that teach our modern society how to create a better world and show that there is a better way to balance the world.  They secure and distribute funds to help create a better world.

The legend lives and it’s alive in you.  You are the modern hero.

May you live happily ever after.